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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lynlees first christmas

 I Look forward to this time of year each year but this year was especially exciting because it was "Lynlee and me" (and daddy's) ;) first Christmas as a family of three! This Christmas was filled with firsts not only for Lynlee but for Josh and I as well. 

Lets begin with our first attempt to make 
our own handprint ornament!
This was our first try.... and definitely not the last!

She hasn't got the creative bug 
just yet!
 If you try to do this with a five month old we found that painting her hand instead of putting the hand in paint works the best :)

Lynlee and daddy are glad that this is done...for this year. ;)

O Christmas Tree!
O Christmas Tree!

After we picked out our tree the tree lot worker strapped it onto the top of our Ford Escape.... Well lets just say we didn't go too far until Lynlee's first Christmas tree landed in the middle of Peters Creek Parkway!
Cars had to dodge not only our tree but Josh as he was trying to rescue it before it got hit by a car! Josh and the tree survived without hardly a scratch!

Our first Ornament as a 
family of 3

Pinterest, O how I love thee!!
How many of you are obsessed with Pinterest?
I am!
I was determined to make something that I saw off there for someone for Christmas this year. So me and my sister decided on Scrabble ornaments for my mom and dad . 
Since my mom LOVES scrabble we thought this would be a cute gift from the grandchildren. It was super easy and turned out super cute. I made five, each with the grand-kids names on them. 
They all looked great on mom's tree!
Here is Lynlee's ornament. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Lynlee! I love you a bushel & a peck!


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